
Die Medienwelt der Zukunft ist technologie-getrieben -
Künstliche Intelligenz, Big Data, Augmented und Virtual Reality stehen im Fokus der Digital Publishers Tour 2017
Die Digital Publishers' USA Tour führt vom 17. bis 22. September zu zwei der spannendsten Technologiezentren der USA: Seattle und San Francisco. Auf dem Tourprogramm stehen Unternehmensbesuche bei rund 18 innovativen und medienrelevanten Startups, Agenturen und Konzernen. In Vorträgen, Diskussionen und in intensiven, speziell auf die Bedürfnisse von Publishern zugeschnittenen Workshops erfahren wir von Gründern und Führungskräften aus erster Hand, welche Technologie-Trends die Medienwelt der Zukunft formen werden. Darüber hinaus erleben wir, welche erfolgreichen Geschäftsmodelle Publisher für die neue, technologie-getriebene Medienwelt entwickeln.
Im Vordergrund der Meetings stehen die großen Publishing-Trends des Jahres 2017:
- Künstlicher Intelligenz(AI) : Chatbots, Hearables, Datenanalysen und mehr
- Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality und hochwertiges, immersives Storytelling
- Messaging: Journalismus und Service im Konversationsstil
- Own your niche: Events als lukrative Line-Extensions für Special-Interest-Publisher
- Internet der Dinge und vernetzte Mobilität und ihre Chancen für Publisher

Seattle / San Francisco (Silicon Valley, USA)
17. - 22. September 2017
Die Qualität der Teilnehmer und der externen Gesprächspartner bei den Publisher Tours ist sensationell. Die Insights sind deshalb so wertvoll, weil die meisten Gesprächspartner einem offen und ehrlich Ihre Meinungen und Erfahrungen mitteilen. In der Gruppe bietet sich darüber hinaus die unschätzbare Möglichkeit das soeben gehörte zu reflektieren und einzuordnen. Um all das zu lernen, was man in dieser einen Woche serviert bekommt, müsste man zig Kongresse besuchen.
Harald Kratel
Geschäftsführer, mlv Werbeagentur
- Sie erhalten Einblicke in innovative Unternehmen, die Nutzerverhalten ständig im Blick haben, um digitale Geschäftsmodelle und Services nicht nur erfolgreich zu gestalten sondern auch kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln.
- Sie diskutieren direkt mit dem Top Management großer Medienhäuser, Start-ups und Inkubatoren über aktuelle Herausforderungen, Trends und wie man das Traditionelle mit dem Digitalen verbindet.
- Sie erleben hautnah die interessantesten Meinungsführer, Changeneers und Vordenker und erhalten so wertvolle Ideen und Denkanstöße für Ihre eigenen Strategien.
Zugesagte Unternehmen:
Seattle ist die Heimat von Boeing, Microsoft, Amazon, Starbucks, Expedia und Tableau. Die Metropole am Puget Sound im Nordwestzipfel der USA mit einem Einzugsgebiet von mehr als vier Millionen Menschen ist die derzeit am schnellsten wachsende Tech-Metropole der USA. Seattles blühende Startup-Szene profitiert einerseits von der Nähe zu den Tech-Konzernen, auch auch von dem Umstand, dass die University of Washington neben Stanford und MIT eines der besten Ausbildungsprogramme für Programmierer anbietet. Noch ist Seattle bei hohem Ausbildungsstand und hoher Lebensqualität preiswerter als San Francisco, weshalb immer mehr Konzerne ihre Software-Entwicklung nach Seattle verlagern. Mittlerweile haben von AirBnB bis zum Walt Disney Konzern bereits mehr als 80 Tech-Unternehmen Software-Entwicklungsabteilungen in Seattle.
Geekwire is to Seattle what Techcrunch and Recode are to San Francisco. The founders of the magazine, John Cook and Todd Bishop, and their team are pundits for the regional tech scene. Geekwire organizes the annual Geekwire Conference and a series of other magnet events for the tech world of the Northwest.
John Cook, Co-Founder & Partner
Geekwire has successfully proven that owning a B2B niche can translate into live events as a lucrative line extension.
When Satya Nadella became CEO of Microsoft in 2014, he took the software giant on an almost impossible mission: Make Microsoft innovative and cool again. Fast forward to 2017: Microsoft is one of the powerhouses of cloud computing. It’s artificial intelligence system Cortana sets milestones for speech and image recognition. Its Hololens software sets the industry standard of what is possible in augmented reality solutions. And its Digital Living Room envisions media scenarios of the future.
From its augmented reality innovations around the Hololens to cloud computing, artificial intelligence and voice recognition - Microsoft is at the forefront of innovations that will have a huge impact on media in the near future.
SAN FRANCISCO & SILICON VALLEY - Weltzentrale der Technologieszene
Silicon Valley ist die Keimzelle des Internet und der Softwareindustrie. San Francisco und Silicon Valley - Weltzentrale der Technologieszene Inzwischen verlagert sich die Tech-Szene allerdings immer stärker hinein in die Stadt San Francisco. Trotz Überhitzung und aufstrebender anderer Tech- und Startup-Regionen wie New York, Boston, Austin und Seattle ist Silicon Valley noch immer der weltweite Inbegriff für technologische Erfindungen. Ein Viertel der Jobs im Silicon Valley sind im Hochtechnologiesektor angesiedelt, hier werden mit Abstand die meisten Technologie-Patente angemeldet. Google, Facebook, Yahoo!, Netflix, eBay, Cisco, Intel, Sony Ericsson und Tesla Motors haben ihren Firmensitz im Silicon Valley. In der Stadt San Francisco haben sich Twitter, AirBnB und Salesforce niedergelassen - um nur einige der größten und bekanntesten von mehreren 1000 Techunternehmen in der Region zu nennen. Und nicht zuletzt: Das Silicon Valley ist die Wiege der Risikokapitalgeber, Inkubatoren, Startup-Garagen, Coworking-Spaces und extrem flacher Arbeitshierarchien. Die gesamte Region ist nach wie vor einem weltweit einzigartigen Innovationsgeist durchdrungen.
San Francisco is home to Buzzfeed’s Open Lab for Journalism, Technology, and the Arts in the company’s San Francisco news bureau. Lab Fellows work to invent their own creative technical projects, while collaborating with each other and with BuzzFeed reporters to gather or tell stories in unconventional formats such as VR, 360-video, drones and the internet of things.
Buzzfeed has long surpassed the stage of being a mere propulsion machine for viral content in form of listicles and cute cat videos. The viral machine has invested heavily in investigative journalism and earned its first Pulitzer citation in April 2017.
Matter VC is a venture capital firm and incubator. Since 2012, Matter VC has seed-funded more than 25 start-ups with a 50.000 dollar investment and given them support via its four-month intensive incubator program. Matter VC focusses on media relevant startups with a civic mission („media that matters“) and new business models. It cooperates with non-profit organisations and traditional media companies such as AP and the McClatchy media group. Matter is led by Corey Ford (Managing Partner) and Jake Shapiro (Founding Partner). In 2016, Matter VC opened a second incubator in New York.
Matter VC is a prime example for the concept of design thinking in the media world. In four intense months prototypes of new media products and business models are created and rapidly iterated. Open collaboration and many feedback rounds between all partners and even between the startups enrolled in the program is a must. Matter VC was the role model for Hamburg’s Next Media Accelerator, operated by dpa.
LinkedIn has recently surpassed the threshold of 500 million user in over 200 countries. The business network that was acquired by Microsoft in December 2016 has over 10 million job listings, more than 9 million company profiles, and over 100,000 business articles published each week. That’s a lot of data which LinkedIn parses and monetizes via its members, advertisers and third-party data buyers such as Salesforce. Since its acquistion of the social Reader platform Pulse LinkedIn has shifted its focus from being a mere business contact and job search platform to a destination website where users spend time publishing and consuming highly personalized content. Its private messaging channels will soon be enhanced by chatbots who are programmed to break the ice in conversation with strangers and useful stats. If there is one thing publishers can learn from LinkedIn it's this: how to make the most of data.
If there is one thing publishers can learn from LinkedIn it’s how to make the most of data. LinkedIn uses artifificial intelligence and cloud computing to push the most relevant content to its individual members.
Thunkable is a drag and drop platform for building native, mobile apps with features such as voice recognition, translation, mapping and location sensors, simply by slotting together the blocks of code it uses to simplify the programming process. No coding skills are needed. Thunkable has over 140K users in 175 countries who have built 500K apps. Publishers can monetize their apps with an AdMob ads component. Thunkable is an MIT spin-out and was of the startups in Y Combinators winter of 2016 program.
Thunkable proves that simple solutions are often the most powerful. It also proves that building a strong community is a recipe for success. Publishers can learn from Thunkable how to foster an engaged community around a beloved product.
Tech giant Facebook is a fixture on every Silicon Valley Tour. Facebook is now pushing to battle fake news and cooperating with media to take down one of the biggest present digital plagues. From chatbots (Facebook has some 30,000 bots chatting on its Messenger platform ) to live video and virtual reality - Facebook sets the industry standard for what is no longer “nice to have” but “must have” in digital publishing.
Google experiments with so many new projects at any given time that it’s hard to keep track. The importance of Google’s News Lab initiative for publishers is self-explanatory. The implication of Google self-driving cars for publishers may be less obvious, but Google isn’t striving to build cars. It’s striving to be the the gateway to the mobile web of the future - the web on wheels. And: Amazon may be ahead of Google in voice recognition, but Google operates on the frontier of neural machine translation. It’s AI translators have mastered with more on the way. That means, multi-lingual publishing in real time is closer than ever.
Angefragte Unternehmen:
Amazon has sold over 5 million Echo devices. The e-commerce giant has been capturing audio in home environments, amassing data via its speech recognition system Alexa, and has gained a powerful market advantage. Amazon is uniquely positioned to become the number one audio-based search engine and an important future gateway to the internet. Moreover, Amazon is testing innovative membership concepts and bridging the gap between e-commerce and the physical world with its Seattle-based bookstores and Amazon Go convenience stores.
Madrona Venture Group is a Seattle-based venture capital firm that invests in early-stage technology companies in the Pacific Northwest. Madrona was an early backer of Amazon, it is invested in ad technology, location-aware technology and mobile payment systems. Madrona also invests in startups in the fields of self-driving cars, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, drones and other technologies that ultimately shape future media usage.
Maker Media, publisher of MAKE magazine, is the hub of the maker movement. It is positioned at the forefront of hardware/software and consumer electronics innovation effecting business, economy, and everyday way of life. Its Maker Faire series held its first event in the San Francisco Bay Area in 2006 and has since spawned Maker Faires around the world. Maker Media Founder and CEO Dale Dougherty is an early web pioneer and a co-founder of the IT book publisher O'Reilly Media.
Condé Nasts tech publication Wired Magazine is both a veteran of the digital world and web published (it started the world’s first commercial web magazine Hotwired and sold the world’s first banner ad in 1994). These days Wired is a prime example of a magazine adapting to the realities of the digital publishing world.
Alle oben genannten Unternehmen wurden angefragt. Wir können nicht garantieren, dass alle Unternehmensbesuche möglich sind, da die jeweiligen Bestätigungen noch nicht vorliegen.
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Jennifer Panse
VDZ Akademie
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E-Mail: j.panse@vdz-akademie.de