"You need to be able to embrace change"
So brachte es Paul Rayson, Vice President des britischen Fachmedienhauses IHS Jane's bei der letzten London-Tour der Deutschen Fachpresse auf den Punkt.
Der englische Markt ist neben dem Deutschen einer der größten Medienmärkte Westeuropas und traditionell einer der innovativsten im B2B Sektor. Im Rahmen der Tour haben Sie die Möglichkeit, sich mit Managern, Vordenkern und Visionären über Herausforderungen, passende Lösungsansätze und zukünftige Entwicklungen auszutauschen. Die Besuche der Unternehmen vor Ort gewähren Ihnen tiefe Einblicke in Konzernstrategien, Innovationsprozesse und die Entwicklung neuer Geschäftsfelder. Begleiten Sie uns auf eine spannende Reise und gewinnen Sie Anregungen und wichtige Impulse, um sich den heutigen wie auch zukünftigen Herausforderungen in Ihrer Branche zu stellen!
Dass Reisen bildet, ist eine Binsenweisheit. Die Touren zu unseren Kollegen oder unseren „frenemies“ ins Ausland bieten jedoch mehr und sind von unschätzbarem Wert, sich hinsichtlich der heutigen und künftigen Herausforderungen in unserer Branche inspirieren zu lassen. Spannende Einblicke in klassische Medienhäuser, dynamische Start-ups und digitale Player sind oft wegweisend, ebenso wie der Austausch unter den Mitreisenden.
Stefan Rühling
CEO, Vogel Business Media
27. - 29. März 2017
Confirmed Companies
- Opening Lunch mit Steve Newbold (Centaur Media)
- Financial Times
- Haymarket Business Media
- Procurement Leaders
- The Drum
- Wilmington PLC
- Zapnito
- Start-up Session: Emerge Education | Lingumi | Bibblio | Bibliotech
- Networking Dinner in der Londoner Stationers‘ Hall
gesponsert von Outsell & MarkLogic
Please find more detailed information
about each company and speakers below.
Business Information Market UK - Facts
- Total size of the UK business information sector: £15.5bn (£2.1bn revenue from in-person events)
- 70.000 people employed
- +7% annual growth rate
- 6:1 approximate ratio of digital to print revenue in the information market
- Digital is the most massive, complex and fast-changing area covering devices, websites, digital magazines, magazine apps and social media
- Live events is still the single biggest priority area for business media organisations
- In Advertising, digital is driving bigger, multi-platform packages, but having the internal resources to execute everything is a real challenge
- The membership bundle, shaped by deep and real-time data, is a key focus of activity in subscriptions
- In terms of having the resources to drive change, finance is seen as the main requirement (61%), staff and IT (46%)
- 7.9 out of 10 B2B publishers show robust and growing confidence about the financial success of their company over the next two years
Confirmed Companies
Steve Newbold, Centaur Media
Steve is Divisional Managing Director of Centaur Media Plc overseeing the Home Interest, Legal, Engineering, Financial, Business Travel and Recruitment markets. Centaur specialise in market-facing multi-platform businesses primarily across paid-for-content subscription platforms, print, digital, exhibitions, conferences, and awards.
Prior to joining Centaur Media in 2015 Steve has held Managing Director roles at WGSN, i2i Events, Emap Communications (now Ascential) and Emap Consumer Media. He has experience of running multi-media businesses in key sectors including homes, legal, retail, and fashion. He has also led and supported key acquistions including WGSN, Stylesight, Futuros Events, Broadcast Video Expo and Pure London.
Steve Newbold talked at DIS 2016 about the digital technology journey of Centaur Media. Read more...
The Financial Times (FT) is one of the world’s leading business news organisations, providing essential news, comment, data and analysis for the global business community. The company was among the first media outlets to introduce paid content, and the FT has now a combined paid print and digital circulation of 737,000, with mobile being an increasingly important channel for the organisation, driving almost half of total traffic.
In September 2015, the FT announced the appointment of Tom Betts as its first chief data officer (CDO), a new position created in recognition of the vital role that data and customer intelligence plays at the FT in order to grow the paper’s digital and subscription business. Tom and his team support product development, advertising and audience engagement with data insight and create new tools to democratise the use of data across the business.
Tom Betts, Chief Data Officer
Data drive business in media companies: Over the past few years, the FT has become widely recognised for its pioneering use of data and award-winning analytics team that consists of more than 30 people dedicated to customer analytics and research.
Procurement Leaders was founded in 2004 and is a global membership-led community providing essential market intelligence and data (procurement intelligence), education (professional development) and networking services (peer-to-peer networking) to the world’s top procurement executives and their enterprises. The company is headquartered in London and works with over 600 companies and 23,000 executives in more than 50 countries, equipping them with expert practices and access to a unique global community aimed at uncovering innovations and driving value for organisations. Procurement Leader’s B2B portfolio, e.g. the events programme, has been recognised by industry associations such as the British Professional Publishers Assocation (PPA) who also named the company Business Media Brand of the Year.
Alex Martinez, CEO & Co-Founder
Globally leading B2B membership platform that initially started out in events and has managed to build a brand that is now focused on paid-subscriptions. Crucial for this success are the efficient and effective management of events data. Today, half of the company’s revenues are generated from subscriptions to Procurement Leaders’ corporate membership, with the vast majority of the remaining revenues coming from events. As a B2B information provider delivering content in different shapes and forms, Procurement Leaders ascribes its success to the fact that the founders aren’t from a traditional publishing background, meaning conventional publishing industry assumptions are questioned, innovative approaches are a given and decisions are always driven by customer need.
The Drum is a multiple-award winning, leading niche B2B information provider serving the marketing industry with a print magazine, app, website, newsletter, 23 awards, 7 live events, peer-to-peer learning club, content marketing division, video production and distribution services. The company has grown from a small Scottish publishing house, founded in Glasgow in 1984, into an international player with offices in Glasgow, London, New York and Singapore. thedrum.com is not only the UK’s largest marketing website but also the most widely read one in Europe.
Diane Young, Co-founder and Managing Director
As a relatively small player with 85 staff, The Drum has consistently punched above its weight and been particularly successful in establishing brand extensions around its core brand, with leading events and awards. At last November’s PPA Digital awards in London, it was named Digital Media Brand 2016 and also won 2016 Business & Professional Magazine of the Year at the PPA Scotland magazine awards. Diane Young, who joined the company in 1996 to expand the business portfolio and keep pace with the digital revolution, was PPA Publishing Innovator of the Year 2014.
Haymarket is an international, award-winning specialist media and information company with over 45 B2B brands connecting people and communities across print, digital, mobile and live media in the UK, US, Asia, India and Germany.
Kevin Costello, CEO
Philip Swinden, Managing Director, Haymarket Business Media
Haymarket as an example of a traditional B2B publisher in a phase of repositioning and realigning its strategic focus: Under the ambitious headline “From UK print publisher to the best international specialist media and information company in the world” CEO Kevin Costello outlined a growth plan in early 2012 designed to deliver long-term growth, also especially in international markets. In recent months, the company announced the acquisition of the World Architecture News (WAN) and World Interiors News (WIN) websites and awards from Built Environment Media. In April 2016, Philip Swinden was appointed as Managing Director of the UK Business Media division (HBM) in order to lead the division’s model to one focused more on subscriptions, data, high value information and research, in line with the overall strategic objectives of the group’s growth plan
UK’s leading technology media company with the largest portfolio in this sector and eight IDG UK brands delivering 89 information products across every media format; named B2B digital publisher of the year at 2015 AOP Online Publishers Awards.
Kit Gould, CEO & Managing Director of IDG UK and Sweden
IDG UK is a leader in media solutions and tech advertising with a pioneering portfolio of tech marketing services and solutions, spanning not only the company’s brand offering but also providing market-leading industry solutions in the lead generation, social media, content creation, ad network and programmatic buying arena. It was the first UK publisher to launch a full service trading desk, both buying and selling inventory through programmatic buying, and also the first to launch a vertical ad network in the UK. IDG UK is also at the forefront of utilising the “below-the-line” digital revenue of marketing services as growth areas for B2B publishers.
Wilmington plc is one of the UK’s leading information services and media companies. It turns “knowledge into advantage” by providing information and training to professional business markets within the Risk & Compliance, Finance, Legal and Insight sectors. The information is delivered through conferences and events, professional training and online and print publishing. Wilmington, which operates as a collaborative group of companies, enables professionals and their organisations to enhance performance by providing high quality, relevant and reliable information, education and knowledge. High profile brands include International Compliance Training (ICT), Central Law Training (CLT), AMT Training, Mercia, Axco, Compliance Week and Solicitors Journal.
Mike Fraser, Chief Technology Officer
Doug Marshall, Head of Marketing
Since the company floated on the London Stock Exchange in 1995, Wilmington has more than trebled in size and now operates in eight countries, with 23 offices and employing more than 1,000 managers and staff. The company’s success is based on a communities-first and client-centric approach and underpinned by a stringent acquisition strategy. Since 1999 the acquired the following businesses: Central Law Group (CLG), Binley’s, Wellards, SWAT UK & Health Service Journal (HSJ). HSJ is the UK’s pre-eminent health information, insight and networking business, boosting Wilmington’s healthcare businesses with the digital subscription product HSJ.co.uk, the fast growing digital information product HSJ Intelligence, 11 networking events and HSJ Marketing Services.
Zapnito was developed to allow expert-led organisations of every type to reclaim the value of their knowledge. Founded by professionals from the media and technology industries, Zapnito is a platform to enable organisations to share, promote and monetize collective expertise. They work with media, professional services firms and other knowledge providers to create expert networks, which enable their customers to reclaim their brand and their audience; to educate, inspire and foster more valuable relationships with their market.
Charles Thiede, Co-founder & CEO, plus publishing client use case
Zapnito is an innovative B2B platform that has grown out of years of expertise in traditional B2B publishing and works with leading publishing houses to drive new revenue streams and boost their profitability by putting them at the forefront of the converging world of publishing and consulting. Among the brands that use Zapnito are Springer Nature, Centaur Media, Informa, J. P. Morgan, the Institute of Engineering and Technology, Kelsey Media and McGraw Hill. In December 2016, the company announced £440,000 of new funding from Angel investors in a large seed round. The investment is used to further develop the core product as well as support the development of Zapnito’s new real-time sharing capability which is part of the company’s vision of returning to the original purpose of the internet: collective intelligence through trusted sources of expertise.
We will attend a start-up pitch at the accelerator Emerge Education: 4 to 5 start-ups that are developing interesting services, digital products and ideas, among others, for the publishing industry will present their businesses.
Emerge Education | Lingumi | Bibblio | Bibliotech
Sponsored by Outsell and MarkLogic
We are invited for an exciting networking dinner at the historic Stationers' Hall, home to the Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers. The Stationers' Company was formed as an organisation in 1403 and their members today work in, or supply, the paper, print, publishing, packaging, office products, newspaper, broadcasting and online media industries.
The evening begins with a presentation from Outsell on the topic “Views of the Information marketplace 2017”, followed by a loose dinner with time for exchange and networking. There will be time to talk to speakers from the visited companies, start-ups, sponsors and invited guests from PPA - Professional Publishers Association (e.g. Tim Brooks, Chair of Business Board).