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VDZ Digital Innovation Tour USA: Go Virtual!
16.06.2020 - 28.07.2020
17:00 Uhr - 18:00 Uhr
3 appointments, 6 speakers and intensive exchange – straight from your (home)office
single web session from € 99,- (plus VAT)
tour offer: all 3 appointments for the price of two – from € 198,- (plus VAT)
Are you getting bored with listening to webinars? Take part in an engaging media innovation tour from the comfort of your office or home office. In these first of it’s kind virtual tour sessions you will meet U.S. digital media industry leaders and innovative startups without having to travel.
Just like a real-life tour meeting, each of our three virtual 60 minute meetings consists of short introductory presentations, followed by in-depth discussions. Each session is limited at a maximum of 15 participants to enable real discussions instead of chat Q&As. Each session has a specific topic: audience engagement strategies, newsletter strategies and subscription strategies.
Brauchen Sie etwas Abwechslung von Webinaren? Dann nehmen Sie einfach von Ihrem Büro oder Homeoffice aus an unserer VDZ Digital Innovation Tour teil. In diesen ersten virtuellen “Publishers’ Touren” ihrer Art lernen Sie führende US Vertreter für digitale Medien sowie innovative Startups kennen, ohne dass Sie reisen müssen.
Wie bei einem realen Meeting unserer Touren besteht jedes der drei virtuellen 60-minütigen Treffen aus kurzen einführenden Präsentationen, gefolgt von ausführlichen Diskussionen. Jede Sitzung ist auf maximal 15 Teilnehmer begrenzt, um echte Diskussionen anstelle von Chat-Fragen und Antworten zu ermöglichen. Jede Sitzung hat ein bestimmtes Thema: Strategien zur Einbeziehung des Publikums, Strategien für den Newsletter und Strategien für das Abonnement.
Das sind die Themen
Newsletter Strategies
Wednesday, July 22, 5pm German Time
Two outstanding media entities – one of them a charismatic individual authority and the other an innovative digital publisher – explain how they publish compelling personalized newsletters with loyal fans and astonishingly low churn rates. Learn how to design successful newsletters for branding or as stand-alone and potentially profitable verticals:
- Politico: Ryan Heath, Senior Editor
- Benedict Evans, independent analyst
Subscription- and Paywall Strategies
Tuesday, July 28, 5pm German Time
The COVID-19 bump has been real for many newspaper and magazine publishers around the world, but the effect is fading and if your content is not sticky enough, you will have missed a chance to turn casual readers into engaged subscribers. Get insights into successful subscription strategies and tools from two very different startup perspectives:
Previous dates: Audience Engagement Strategies, 23 June
Watch the VoD-Teaser here
Learn from two cutting-edge startups in their field how to engage your audience to achieve your benchmark goals – whether to increase time spent with your products, have more meaningful discussions with readers, involve your audience in developing new products or diversify your storytelling voices:
- Hearken: Co-founder and CEO Jennifer Brandel
- Local Voices Network/Cortico: Max Resnik, Lead for Media and Journalism
Please note that all speakers and companies may be subject to change.
Ihr Experte
Single web session
VDZ Members € 99,- (plus VAT)
Non-Members € 149,- (plus VAT)
Tour offer – 3 web session for the price of 2
VDZ Members € 198,- (plus VAT)
Non-Members € 298,- (plus VAT)
The tour is limited to 15 participants. In case of overbooking we sort registrations according to date of receipt. Registrations from VDZ members have priority. The invoice will be send separately to the confirmation letter. VDZ will not offer refunds in case of a participant’s no-show. VDZ reserves the right to cancel the tour if necessary.
The General Terms and Conditions of VDZ Akademie apply.
Jennifer Panse
Senior Project Manager Events