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WebSession: Innovations to succeed in the post-covid world
22. September 2020
15:00 Uhr - 16:00 Uhr
What innovations will enable us to succeed in the post-Covid media world? In addition to disruptive work environment innovations, the most important post-COVID-19 innovation will be in how we manage ourselves. If we don’t get the human capital equation right, nothing else will work. We’ll talk about that, about office space, interactions, etc. We’ll also discuss innovations in post-COVID-19 business models. We’ll look at the podcast boom and how you can create and monetise your own podcast. And we’ll help you discover new, innovative sustainability actions you can take before your readers and governments demand them! As usual, we’ll also enjoy our annual celebration of the human creative spirit with a look at mind-boggling print innovations.
Interview mit John Wilpers:
Now is also the time to work on your corporate culture
Das sind die Themen
- Innovations in post-COVID-19 business models
- Podcast boom: how to create and monetise podcasts
- Office space & interactions
- New, innovative sustainability actions
- Print innovations
Ihr Experte
VDZ Mitglied: 149,- Euro (zzgl. MwSt.)
Nicht Mitglied: 199,- Euro (zzgl. MwSt.)
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Jennifer Panse
Senior Project Manager Events
VDZ Akademie
Telefon: 030.72 62 98 – 113
Telefax: 030.72 62 98 – 114
E-Mail: j.panse@vdz.de