Yves de Kerdrel
Günder & Chefredakteur , Wansquare.com (Paris)
Yves Kerdrel is director of WanSquare’s newsroom. Managing Editor of the Journal des Finances and economic editorialist with Le Figaro, Yves de Kerdrel has also been daily editorialist on BFM radio and the Club de l’économie on LCI since 2004. Formerly economic editorialist with the daily Les Echos, he made his mark by co-founding the paper’s “Crible” (focus) column. His analyses of the latest economic and financial news are appreciated for their independent stance and he often uncovers scoops that he will now be sharing with WanSquare subscribers. Yves de Kerdrel has been appointed a member of the Attali commission and is also a member of the committee for the dissemintion of economic culture.